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Oxford Open Door visitors on the walkway at Osney Lock Hydro

We welcomed over 100 visitors to the hydro on 15 September as part of Oxford Open Doors 2024. Even the occasional shower didn’t deter the steady stream of visitors who took advantage of the rare opportunity to get onto the walkway above the Archimedean screw, explore inside the power house and chat with the volunteers who run the hydro on behalf of the community.

The event is always a highlight of the year. As ever it attracted a wonderful mix of visitors from local residents, overseas tourists, and even participants in a climate pilgrimage on their way upstream to St Fridewide’s Church.

The climate pilgrimage visits the hydro

We loved answering all the questions, and the opportunity to discuss everything from the purpose of the artificial reeds in the fish pass to the difference between the UK and US energy systems.

A big thank you to all the volunteers who joined us to welcome the 133 visitors to the site.

Four of the volunteer team at the ready to answer questions from visitors at Oxford Open Doors
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