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Site preparation starts

As part of the preparation of the site, the Himalayan Cedar at Osney Lock was felled today along with a small crab apple tree and some shrubs.  This followed a visit by our ecologist to check the site for nesting birds.  There were no nests in the felled tree, but the sycamore and conifer trees will be left for a further 14 days because they do contain nests.

The Tree Officer at Oxford City Council has been informed and the police officer at Thames Valley with responsibility for trees and wildlife.

When we applied for planning permission for the scheme we were disappointed that the Oxford City Council Tree Officer did not accept our proposal to retain the trees on site. Our planning approval required removal of the tree. You can read our original survey and the Tree Officer’s rationale in full here.

Plans for the site include a native planting scheme  to enhance local biodiversity.  You can download the provisional plans for the site, which incorporate wild cherries and downy birch, here.

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