Ever wondered what our directors get up to in their spare time? This weekend saw two of our number out and about on the floodplain on a special treasure hunt. The local floodplain is a haven for different species, and new director Simon had spotted that the mix of tree species at nearby Hogacre Common…
In this video Mairi Brookes, Smart Energy Systems Director at Low Carbon Hub takes you on a tour of our local area - Osney Island, Oxford to show you how the energy system works - and explains some of the changes that are taking place at the grid edge.
Look who we spotted tucked up on her nest in a wild corner of the hydro site hidden in the undergrowth. We’ll be keeping an eye out for ducklings over the next few weeks.
The poppies are in bloom on site, and we are open for visitors most Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Pop on by and see the wild flowers, try out our human sundial and catch the hydro in action as we continue to generate with the spring generation season continuing into summer. Local member David Jeffrey popped…
We are deeply saddened by the news of the death of David Hammond, architect of Osney Lock Hydro's beautiful power house and a key driving force of climate action in our community.
It’s been a mixed year for generation for WOCoRe. The very dry summer, followed by periods of heavy rain made for poor generation conditions for hydro. Total generation for April 2022 to March 2023 was 104,901kWh. At 58% of our target of 180,000kWh, this falls towards the bottom end of the possible generation range. As the graph…
Hydro generation season starts After such a dry summer, we are delighted to be generating again. We’ll be continuing to open up the site to visitors over the winter so if there gates are open when you are passing by, do come on in and see the hydro in action through our viewing window,
Grid edge innovation at Osney This summer has seen some changes at Osney Lock Hydro including the installation of two batteries on site. So after a very dry summer, we are delighted to see river flow conditions picking up as we enter the traditional winter generation period, so we can start putting them to work.…