We have been disappointed by recent inaccurate stories in the local press regarding the impact of hydro schemes on fish, for example, a piece in last week’s Oxford Times ‘Anglers warn over Thames hydro-plant threat to fish.’ We have felt particularly dismayed given the care we have taken to fully assess the ecological impact of…
30th April HMRC have informed us that on the basis of the information we provided to them they would be able to authorise OLH to issue compliance certificates for SEIS and EIS once we complete the necessary forms.
Wow! We’ve hit our pledge target in just 9 days! Given the phenomenal response to the share offer we are now reassessing our financial model to calculate the potential to accept a greater level of investment. This would enable us to reduce the level of loans taken out to fund the project.
Investment reaches £150,000 in first week We have been bowled over by the phenomenal interest we have received in the first seven days since the share offer launched. Pledging via the website started within minutes of the offer going live, and has continued steadily ever since – with almost £50,000 pledged via the site on…