Held on the 4th June in the Boiler Room at the Old Jam Factory, our first ever Annual General Meeting was attended by more than 50 members.
As part of our rules, a third of directors need to stand down each year, and the Board
decided to do this alphabetically. As a result Ruth Finar and Barbara Hammond stood down. The rest of the Board were relieved that they both agreed to stand for re-election and they were both duly unanimously re-elected.
The meeting also provided Members with the opportunity to learn more about the delay to the completion of construction, which is primarily due to difficulties in agreeing a key term in the lease of the Environment Agency land. The latest on this is that the Directors believe the problems have been resolved and the lease should be signed very shortly.
The meeting was followed by drinks, which was a wonderful opportunity for us to get to know our investors better – thank you to everyone who was able to join us.