We are deeply saddened by the news of the death of David Hammond, architect of Osney Lock Hydro’s beautiful power house and a key driving force of climate action in our community.
David Hammond came to Osney Island with his young family in August 2000. His years here were spent using his architectural skills to tackle the problem closest to his heart – climate change.
The deep retrofits he did at 34 East Street and 63 West Street show us the way to a zero-carbon energy future. Thanks to David’s genius with space, light and the art of home making, they are also houses that are lovely to live in.
Osney Lock Hydro is his biggest achievement. It took 15 years working with equally passionate Islanders and West Oxford locals to get it built. He wanted the project to be accessible, informative, and a catalyst for climate-change action.
In his final months, he contributed to the Osney Supercharge project showing how we could link hydro and houses together into a smart community-energy scheme. Part of his contribution was the beginnings of a scheme showing how the whole island could be heated with a cascade of heat pumps sourced from the river.
Above all, David Hammond was good at loving and caring: family, home, architecture, art, motorbikes, music and cricket. Whatever he loved, he wanted to help. He will be much missed.
David Hammond, 3 May 1946 – 4 April 2023