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Celebrating Science Week

Members of the Osney Lock Hydro team have been visiting local primary schools to talk about the project and run workshops on electricity generation as part of science week.

Students at St Ebbes Primary School helped Director Ali Lloyd calculate the power generated by the hydro.   Over at North Hinksey Primary, Saskya Huggins joined forces with Alison Grunewald from Westmill Wind and Solar Park to run workshops about renewable energy generation.

We have plans to develop teaching materials, so teachers can use the hydro as a teaching resource for key curricular subjects.  Unfortunately we are currently unable to  accommodate school visits on-site but hope to do so once the final phase of landscaping is completed. We also have plans to develop teaching resources to support several key elements of the primary school curriculum.

Students learning about hydro power in Science Week.
Students learning about hydro power in Science Week.

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