It’s been a mixed year for generation for WOCoRe. The very dry summer, followed by periods of heavy rain made for poor generation conditions for hydro. Total generation for April 2022 to March 2023 was 104,901kWh. At 58% of our target of 180,000kWh, this falls towards the bottom end of the possible generation range. As the graph below shows, a big contrast to the excellent 2021–22 generation year.

At time of writing we are currently not running owing to the very high flow and low head. Forecast is for a drier period so hopefully we will start 2023/24 with a period of sustained running given that the ground is very wet.
The annual total for the PV installations (including Osney Lock PVs) was more positive at 129,225kWh. This was about 5% up on last year, and only slightly below our annual average, despite the issues with the array on the Matthew Arnold science (MAS) block. We look forward to that being resolved later in the spring. The Aldi array in particular performed very well following the new inverters and other repairs in previous years.